Reading Trackers

Reading trackers are a fun and helpful way to aid your young readers! Children begin tracking words with their finger before their eyes to follow along with text. Finger tracking is a natural progression of training your child’s eyes to track words on the page. For children developing literacy skills, adding a silly tracking tool More ...

Black Friday Baby!

It’s almost here…Black Friday baby! Everyone likes to save money when holiday shopping (I know I do). I’m a die hard Black Friday shopper to my CORE. I’ve been participating for years. I can even remember waiting in line for over 2 hours with my friend to buy her mom a VCR! 😂 We laugh More ...

Best Children’s Book Gifts

We attend a lot of children’s birthday parties. A LOT. What’s my go-to gift? Books, of course. So much so that my daughter’s friends put in their requests when they know their birthday is coming up. 😂 Books are such a great gift. They’re small, educational, don’t junk up a person’s house and above all…let More ...

Writing With Kids

Amelia loves to write stories. She often shares them as holidays gifts to grandparents or other family members. Typically, the stories have you bursting out with laughter. The stories are sidesplitting but also showcase the endearing process of writing, spelling and reading. I love everything about Amelia’s budding writer skills: misspelled words, handwriting, mixing up More ...

Comparing And Contrasting With Books

Comparing and contrasting is a skill that can be fun and educational. Children need visual aids to entertain them while they master this skill. Check out this video from Kane Miller featuring one of their new books, Town and Country.  A fun turnaround book that helps children with comparing and contrasting by looking at the differences More ...