Love Children’s Books?

It’s ok to admit it, I love children’s books too! You even might say I have a bit of an addiction. 🙂  I simply adore the world-renowned children’s book publisher, PaperPie and everything that it has done for my family.  From friendships, steady income, trips around the world, to my daughter discovering her love of reading, this little “side job” has become a core part of my life and family.

Not only have I built an amazing free library of the best children’s books for my daughter, I’ve found something for myself that I didn’t know that I needed. While working for this family owned, award-winning company, I found qualities and skills within myself that were otherwise dormant or untapped. Every moment of this experience has been unexpected. Working with other woman to build these businesses that change children’s lives has been inspiring to say the least. Meeting people from all walks of life that are aligned with the same goal, to get these books into the hands of children everywhere, is rewarding in a way that I can’t explain.

I’m happy to discuss my work with Usborne and how you can start your own book business too. Helping women and families build home businesses is a large part of why I work with PaperPie.  Low start up fees with big rewards for your family!

love children's books